Multiple Roles of CLM

Many clients have found CLM to be a key tool in the tracking of their learners in off site provision and are using the system to its full effect. We would like to share with you the ways in which our clients are currently using CLM in order for you to get the best use of the system.

Tracking students on Alternative Provision

Students who are on your school roll but are educated full time or part time at an alternative provider.

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It is of great importance that students on alternative provision but who remain on your school roll are being tracked effectively. This is not only from the legal standpoint of attendance but also knowing how costly alternative provision can be, you will no doubt want to be able to track the progression of each learner and ensure that the alternative provider is keeping them progressing. CLM has been a very useful aide in this tracking and quality assurance process for many of our clients.

Tracking of students on Managed Moves

Students who are on your school roll but who are on a ‘managed move’ for a trial period at another school.

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For learners who are at risk of permanent exclusion trialling a managed move is now a regularly used intervention. In such cases effective collaboration, communication and information sharing between schools and LA’s is vital to not only the success of the placement but the safeguarding of the child. Daily attendance monitoring and regular progress updates are essential to detect any issues which may lead to the managed move failing. CLM is being used successfully to monitor this attendance and progress of students across many partnerships. The placement school simply needs to be set up on CLM as a provider and the staff at that placement school will complete CLM as any provider would, this information can then be instantly viewed by the home school or even by managed move co-ordinators within your partnership.

Tracking of Looked After Children

Students who are on the Virtual School roll.

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CLM lends itself perfectly to the tracking of looked after children by Virtual School’s. Often pupils are placed in schools outside of the Local Authority. CLM provides effective monitoring of attainment, attendance and progress of your LAC regardless of where they are being schooled. CLM is currently being used by many Virtual Schools to efficiently provide them with the data they require.

Tracking students on Extended Provision

Students who are on your school roll but who are undertaking a programme of study elsewhere such as a college course one day a week.

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CLM has been used effectively for many years to track students off site at extended provision. Once a college/training provider is set up on the system they can complete online registers and learner progress which can then be viewed instantly by the home school. This information is not only essential from an attendance perspective but also for quality assurance and monitoring of the value for money your provider is giving in terms of progress of your pupils.

Tracking of shared 6th form provision

Students who attend more than one provision for their post 16 studies.

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We understand that sharing 6th form provision between schools in a partnership is becoming increasingly popular. CLM is an excellent way for the home school to have a full overview of their learners’ attendance and progress at their secondary provider. The secondary 6th form provider will need to be set up on CLM as a training provider and tutors/admin staff at that school will then complete CLM as any other provider does. CLM is currently being used by schools to track 6th form students attendance and progress to great effect.

For further information about how CLM can be used to benefit your organisation please do not hesitate to contact us on 0121 506 9400 or e-mail and one of our team will be happy to advise you further.

Interested in finding out more

Contact Details

T: + 44 (0) 121 506 9400
F: + 44 (0) 121 506 9405

Company Address

Blythe Valley Innovation Centre
Central Boulevard
Blythe Valley Park
B90 8AJ

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