Collaborative Learning Manager: System Features

Attendance Monitoring

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  • CLM enables schools, training providers and the partnership admin team to identify and take timely action on non-attendance at lessons held outside of school premises.
  • Class registers are easy to complete by training providers and results are then instantly available to schools and the partnership admin team.
  • Unexplained absences are highlighted immediately and the school can take action and edit the register to mark as an authorised or unauthorised absence, with accompanying notes.
  • Registers are colour coded to show status e.g. overdue, completed or taking place in future.
  • Schools can leave notes on registers for forthcoming classes to explain an absence; this is then picked up by the training provider when filling in the register.
  • An audit trail is automatically created when any changes are made to the register, ensuring compliance for legal purposes, additional notes can be left by schools or providers detailing DFE absence codes. This information is archived and available for retrieval as required.
  • At a glance reports show attendance by pupil, by course, by school over varying time periods.
  • A daily register view for schools showing attendance of all pupils attending offsite courses.
  • E-mail alerts for overdue registers and unprocessed absences.
  • Sophisticated filters enable you to tailor how data is viewed and printed.

Progress Monitoring

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  • Qualifications can be built within the system to record progress against.
  • Once a student is enrolled onto a course a training record is created and progress can be entered and stored onto this record.
  • Training providers can enter grades for aptitude and effort, which are then accessible to all relevant parties involved.
  • The system allows training providers to track students at different levels (e.g. NVQ level 1 & NVQ level 2) whilst in the same classroom, providing flexibility.
  • Assessment and target tracking facility. These are commonly used for baseline assessments and non-academic targets.

Real Time Reporting: Featuring Only Appropriate Data

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  • Collaborative Learning Manager provides up to the minute reporting for Partnership Administrators, Schools, and Training Providers.
  • All reporting is relevant to the party requesting the information, e.g. a school will be able to view information on a pupil, class, group, year or the whole school, whereas Partnerships will be able to view information to the same level of detail across all school and training providers involved.
  • By filtering data through drop down menus, the user is able to view reports against chosen criteria, for example the attendance records of all learners with a particular SEND Category.
  • Reports can summarise activity in any given timeframe – e.g. daily, weekly, and by term.

CLM Course Application Module

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  • Perspective have created a module as an optional extra to the CLM system. This module is an online facility which allows:
  • Partnerships to manage applications to the courses they have on offer via CLM. This includes the facility to automatically import students into CLM once their application has been accepted.
  • Learners to view and apply for courses available within their partnership via a secure, password protected site.
  • School teachers to approve their students’ application within CLM using their log in details.


Collaborative Learning Manager: Key Benefits




As well as benefiting from the unrivalled functionality of CLM, if you are currently using an alternative product for your off-site provision then it is highly probable that you could enjoy significant cost savings by switching. Switching is very simple, to find out more enquire here.

Interested in finding out more

Contact Details

T: + 44 (0) 121 506 9400
F: + 44 (0) 121 506 9405

Company Address

Blythe Valley Innovation Centre
Central Boulevard
Blythe Valley Park
B90 8AJ

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